I am so exited to announce that we will bee welcoming Emily Garner to our home in April. We are so truly excited for this event and can not wait! I wanted to tell a bit about yesterday though.
We picked up the kids from their "school" houses at 10:45 and off we went. We decided to take everyone with us for this appointment. I was nervous if they would let everyone come back with us because the last time we had this kind of ultrasound was almost seven years ago with Alissa and they were picky in Mesa. We arrived at the hospital in perfect time and finally figured out which entrance to check in at. When we got to check in I noticed a sign that said I needed my ID and insurance card to be able to check in. I had my suitcase of a purse and started going through it. NO WALLET! I had left it in the church bag. I was so nervous they were going to make me reschedule or go home and get it. Luckily, we are in Hawaii. They took my social security card which I happened to have due to my unorganized bag and just looked up my insurance. I felt so blessed!
So, after check in we all went back to the Radiology Department. We didn't have to wait very long until they called my name. I asked if all six of us could go back and without hesitation we got a yes! So, back to the ultrasound room. Before the ultrasound they made me drink 32 ounces of water and hold it an hour and a half so I was dying to go to the bathroom. Well, first peek at the baby and all we could see was my bladder! It was funny, so I got to use the restroom!. Back in and ready for try number two. It was so much fun to see how much the resolution levels have changed in the past few years we could almost see her squishiness forming. We started with the head and worked our way down measuring and checking each part. She was so curled up in a ball! Mema left the room for a minute with Taft because the lady mentioned she would do the gender at the end. Then very casually she said "Oh, it's a girl" I was like wait what? Alissa though was the best part, this whole time she was sitting on this little chair praying it would be a girl. You could just see how bad she wanted it. When the lady said this she asked me first, "Mom, did she say a girl?" Because they lady said it so quickly and softly I said, "Yes, yes she said it was a girl." She jumped up out of her seat opened the door (and in Mema's words) came running out the hall, " Mema, Mema it's a girl!!!" My mom said the look on her little face was better then even being in the room. How exciting!! Even my heart was going crazy!! I had secretly been hoping for a girl but not trying to get my hopes up said I thought it was a boy to prepare myself.
Well, I had her check again two more times through out the ultrasound because I needed to make sure and because she did it so quickly. I even asked how she knew for sure and what percentage rate she thought she was right. She said," 99.999% sure." Then managed to tell me why, " There is no turtle there dear." I was laughing pretty hard.
So, we will now have two girls and two boys! To me that is absolute perfection!! Can't wait to greet her in April!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Alissa Turned 6
Well, my baby girl turned six! Alissa woke up Thursday morning to a Tinker Bell Balloon and presents from everyone! Well, more like Mema. Anyways, she was so excited to start her special day. Alissa opened her presents first thing and wanted breakfast in bed! She was served eggs, bacon, toast and orange juice. We had a busy morning because Thursdays are the day that we drive into Waipahu to take Alissa and her friends to school. They go one day a week! We even planned ahead and Alissa picked out Fairy cupcakes to take with her. She was excited to spend the day with her friends at school and we even brought her her favorite lunch! While she was at school we rushed around town getting the pinata, cake and water balloons! We got the kids from school and headed home on our hour drive. We made it home just in time to set up for the party which started in 30 minutes. We decided that Alissa could either have a party with no presents or just have a family party. She chose a friend party and did great not getting presents! We had lots of fun outside with the water activities and even more fun with the pinata! I am thankful that Alissa's day went great!

Mema was the hose expert!
Waiting for cake.

Alissa and Daddy with the pinata!
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