Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Haircuts and Grandparents

I am the one in the family who cuts everyone's hair. When I was in high school I attended beauty school for this purpose. I knew someday I would want a family of my own and want to be able to cut their hair to save money. To this day I am thankful for that decision because I figure we save hundreds of dollars a year this way!

Sometimes I will be open to what the kids want done with their hair. Kenzie or Taft will say, Shave it off or I want it long. Alissa decided this time she wanted it shorter then we had ever done. I was nervous, but decided it will grow back and off it went. I probably could have donated it. I will look into that next time.

Alissa was shocked at first and kept touching her neck and shoulders. Now she loves it!

We have this sort of excitement that lulls around the week of birthdays and at Christmas here. Those are the only two times of the year(besides when Mema goes on trips and sends postcards) that the kids get a REAL package in the mail. (This year Kayli got some from Aunty Donna and Aunty Cindy and the kids thought it was the coolest.)

Their package usually comes in this beautiful smooth blue paper(which is Alissa's favorite color) and contains this gorgeous ribbon. When it comes everyone is ecstatic for whoever is receiving the gift and they can't wait to open it. (Yes, they because everyone has to touch the pretty paper)

Alissa's package from Grandma and Grandpa Garner or as the kids call them Grammy and Papa came while Alissa was at school so I hid it until she got home. When she got home she proceeded to beg to open it but I made her wait until Daddy got home. So, for 45 minutes she went from staring at the box to running outside to see what took Daddy so long. When he finally arrived she tore it open and was ecstatic to find a Spa Science Kit.

Immediately asking if she could play she ran to get her best friend Sela and they had at it!(with Daddy's help of course) Next thing I know she is in the bathtub in her swimsuit experimenting while her best friend is taking notes from the rug! What a truly fun present! It is amazing how excited special moments make them feel!

I Thankful to have to have so many thoughtful family members who make so many wonderful memories for our children!

Service with a Smile!

Our ward recently did a service project for the first time it felt like since we have been in this ward. We have stake projects every month, but this was a great opportunity as a ward!

All of the kids were able to color scraps of cloth that will be made into blankets and we were able to cut and tie fleece blankets for the children's hospitals.

It was fun to watch the willingness of some of the kids and their attempt to tie the blankets.

This last Saturday Ryan took Kenzie and Alissa to help work the temple grounds too! Kenzie said how special it was to be there and how quiet it was!

I am thankful for these opportunities to show our children we can serve others! And to give them opportunities to feel the spirit stronger!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Grandpa Garner's 85th Birthday Party!!

We are really lucky to get so much Garner Family time this week. Tonight was Grandpa Garners birthday party. Grandma and Grandpa invited all the family over for cake and ice cream and of course she had appetizers too, because she always goes above and beyond. There were at least twenty family members there and more coming as we left.

When I write this blog I write it mostly for my kids so they can remember things.

Here a few things to remember about your Grandpa Garner:

Grandpa Garner has the sweetest smile. His smile can make anyone smile. He tells great jokes and stories. He is great at giving advice. He is good at keeping the kids in line. Grandpa Garner is very fun and funny! The best thing to me about Grandpa Garner is his amazing testimony. One thing to never forget is how much he loves the Lord and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Now, a few things about Grandma Garner:

I have never in my life met such a sweet, generous, caring, good woman as Ryan's Grandma. I do not even know if she ever rests. She is the greatest example of a hard working person. I have never seen her frown or complain. She has a cheery disposition and loves her family dearly. Sometimes I truly believe she knows something the rest of us don't or truly just gets the gospel. Ever since I have known her it seems she has been on some type of church mission. I know she loves the Lord and is always doing his work.

Sometimes I wish we could just take a date to Grandma and Grandpa's house to talk with them more and get to know them better.

Well, Happy Birthday Grandpa Garner and thanks for having us over!

Baptism's With Cousins

This past weekend we went out to Maricopa to attend Ryan's first cousin David's Baptism. David is actually friends with Kenzie and they play great together so this was lots of fun!
I actually missed the whole baptism due to Kayli and Emily but I am very glad the kids could be there! Afterwards we went to their home and I have to say that I have never felt so welcomed in a family members home. I could not have asked for a better family to marry into then the Garner's. They are so fun and positive and spiritual. We were able to talk and laugh and play for over five hours.
They have a huge back yard and the kids did not want to leave with all the friends there to play with. They spent time playing with the hamster that got out. Aunt Carol put him in a ball and the Kenzie, Taft and Emily could not stop laughing following him around. Alissa met a friend her age name Alyssa and they spent most of their time outside in the mound plotting how to dig the whole deeper or jumping on the trampoline. Boy do I wish I had stairs. The stairs were Emily's entertainment. Especially once she realized how fun it it so go up and down and drop cars off the top of them. I cherished watching her smile as she placed the car between the rails and with glee dropped it to the room below. She was so proud.
I am amazed at Aunt Carol and how she is always so patient and calm. Uncle Blair is the same way. I am just in awe and how many things I see in all these people and want to be more like them.
So glad we could go to Maricopa and be there with David on his special day! And glad to have a big family to share happy memories with!

Friday, October 12, 2012

My Sweet Taft

Well, Taft started Kindgergarten this year. He is in the half day program and loves it most days once he gets there. He often asks if he can just stay home though and be with me and the girls. Taft has about ten kids in his class this year which is great! They get a lot of attention! There are only two girls too.
Taft came home with a letter last week saying his vision test was off. Not too much of an explanation but enough to have him tested. We had figured if his eyes weren't too bad we would just try to strengthen them on our own. Unfortunately the cute little guy is completely farsighted. So for the next month he will wear these all the time to try and teache his eyes to be able to see up close.
Taft is such a sweetie and had never mentioned anything, which means he could have always seen that way. I am so glad to know that this can hopefully be fixed and that he can see!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Blogging Blessing

Well, after over a year of not blogging I just found out I can blog from my phone! Now whenever I nurse the baby I can be productive and journal!! Please bear with me while I get all caught up on the last year!

Great Grandma and Grandpa's in Show Low

July 28, 2011

We had the opportunity to head up to my grandparents "cabin" in Show Low for the weekend. Sometimes it is so nice to get out in nature and enjoy the cooler weather.
We were able to walk to the lake one morning nearby and play at the parks.
We also found this other lake where we were going to try to fish. The kids ended up learning how to catch crawdads and making some friends.
The sleeping arrangements were a bit different, but I had a great time getting to know my Grandma a bit better.
We were able to stop by Jerry and Marca's cafe too and see Jerry which was fun. Hopefully we can make it up there more often!

Emily 2 years old

Well, the pictures sometimes speak for themselves. Emily is such a character. She always makes us laugh. Right now she obsessed with Disneyland. She also loves to talk a lot and tell stories. She loves to be in charge and whine. She also loves to be like her bigger siblings and changes from trying to be like them to watching them take her commands. On the rare occasion she will take a nap or fall asleep in random places. She loves her Mema and makes places for her on our floor with books even when she is not coming over.

Her favorite words:
Oh my gosh!
For sure tomorrow "Emily, can you pick up your toys?"
"For sure tomorrow"
Yesterday ex. "Yesterday we are going to Disneyland"

Her favorite show:
Bo on the Go
Wheels on the Bus
Just Dance("poofy skirts are a must")

Favorite toy:
Kayli's swing

Favorite Things:

Saturday Mornings

Lately this is how we spend our Saturday mornings. The kids each take turns going around the lake and are evening learning to paddle themselves too! They have lots of fun with dad and being nature.


Lately, I spend a lot of time with these two little cuties. Emily reminds me so much of Alissa. She truly believes she is Kayli's mom. She loves her death!(sometimes literally) Emily is always trying to hold Kayli, snuggle Kayli, give her pacifiers(she doesn't use), feed her things(she can not eat), rock her and change her diaper. I think she feels like I am just a sideliner sometimes and she is in charge. Even though most days I am the body guard to protect Kayli from too much love. Emily hasn't quite learned what soft means yet.
Every morning we walk the kids to school. We actually have a very pretty community with lots of pine trees and water ways to make nature seem not so far way. My mom and I send the kids off to school and proceed to walk 3.2 miles! It is so nice to be outside and Emily has fun waving at everyone else walking. Kayli sleeps or eats through most of our walks which is fine by me! I am glad these two girls have each other while the other kids are at school.

Hollywood Star Party

Alissa had the opportunity this last weekend to go to a Hollywood Star Party at a friends house! They got to walk the red carpet which was soo cute. Sydney's mom had even put Hollywood Stars with their names on them on the driveway. They watched a movie and were served treats from a waiter. Towards the end of the night the papparazzi even bombarded them.
I love watching Alissa grow up and seeing who she is becoming. She made it a priority to be modest and let me know she was going to be the example.

Ryan's First RPMathon

Well, if you don't know what an RPMathon don't worry because I didn't either. An RPMathon is 4 hours straight of bicycling on a stationary bike. We were not sure what to expect. Ryan got asked to participate in this event the night before it happened because someone dropped out and had already paid.
Ryan ended up having a great time and we were suprised to see 50 bikes there set up together with two instructors to keep the energy and pace going! There was loud music and lights and it was sort of like a work out party!
I know Ryan had a great time and said the energy was awesome! It was not difficult at all for him either. Ryan will take any opportunity he can to execise and try new things.