Hawaii has truly been amazing for us. I hope I never forget the wonderful lessons we have learned here. We have learned about true generosity from some of the most amazing people, who truly love the Lord and do their best to be his examples. We have grown to love many of the local children and gain great relationships with them that we hope to keep. We have enjoyed the many beaches of Hawaii and hope to be able to come back someday to enjoy more! We have served in many different capacities and truly felt a part of this wonderful local community. We have learned about the truly importance things in life and how to be frugal. We have learned to not take so much for granted. The mere fact of livings without so many of the "modern day" necessities had been a great lesson!
I can not even begin to list all the fun things we have done here. We have spent the last nine months truly enjoying paradise and I will forever be thankful to have come to such a wonderful place.
In case anyone is wondering why leave? Ryan has been working for the Public School System here. He has been substitute teaching and coaching cross country here. He had such a great season and a blast running with those kids. They got to jump of waterfalls and run through forest and I am sure they are memories he will keep forever. The school system here just recently in the last two months cut most Fridays of school. They are hurting financially and there are less jobs available. So, our great plan of working for the school system might not be here at the best time. We feel there will be more opportunity with some of the jobs to come. Ryan also applied for the Mesa Police Department and it is going wonderfully although it will take about three more months of testing.
As for housing, it will be nice to live in a more spacious living environment. We have had six people and a dog snuggled up in a 650 square feet bungalow. Oh, what an adventure!
The kids have truly enjoyed all the adventures of Hawaii and although I am saddened by the thought that they probably will not remember this special place, I hope we can share that with them!
So, Tuesday we head off on our plane trip to Gilbert, Arizona to begin the new chapter of our lives!