Well, I haven't been taking lots of pictures lately but we have been very busy and up to lots. Lets see where to start.
Ryan has been applying for jobs left and right and working hard to get himself out there. I am so proud of him. He is hopeful for one job particularly so prayers please! Ryan was also called to be a ward missionary and is keeping very busy magnifying this calling. He is so good with people and I love how much he is enjoying it! I have to say my favorite thing for Ryan here in Arizona is his brother Tim. Ryan has so much fun with Tim and I am so glad they can hang out together. This last weekend Tim and Sonia came over Saturday morning for breakfast and the boys went to play racquetball at the clubhouse where we live. They were gone for along time and I am glad because they had so much fun! I wouldn't mind making this a Saturday morning tradition because we love having Sonia over too! Ryan is also focusing on all over health right now so although he stills runs, he is spending just as much time working out other ways to get an all over wellness approach. I am glad he is healthy and takes such good care of himself.
I am starting to feel pregnant. I feel so blessed to have felt so well for so long. I have not thrown up in a few weeks now and it feels great. I love my midwife and am so excited to be having another home birth. I am really trying to also set small personal goals and work at them which is nice. I love walking and going to play "racquetball" with Ryan. I don't really know how to play and can't play rough but Ryan is nice enough to go hit balls with me. I am really happy to be here in such a wonderful area and love the weather here. I am thankful to have a temple close by too! I received a ward calling to work in the Primary as a fill in but spend most of my time in nursery which is fine by me. I think I have spent about five years in that calling but I truly love it!
Alissa is growing up so fast. She is loving school and I am amazed at how well she has transitioned here. Whenever I miss Hawaii I think of her and what a great change has happened for her and immediately know it was worth it. She has made a best little friend a few doors down and loves to play with her as much as possible. She loves to come home and teach us new things she is learning and I love how happy she is most of the time! Alissa is also taking a little dance class from a lady in our ward and will be earning the classes by helping clean at her house. She wants to start taking piano too from my grandma, which will be great if it works out. I have to say my favorite things about Alissa right now is her silliness(which sometimes drives me crazy) and her ability to be a leader. She truly is a leader and I am thankful for that in her.
MacKenzie is growing quickly. In fact he is considered tall and skinny for his age group which is fine by me. He is still the most tender little boy and I love his sensitivity! He too has made a best friend here in our neighborhood and wants to play all the time. Although, Kenzie also loves playing with Taft which is nice. They usually spend the first several hours of the day playing pretend and our great at taking care of each other. Kenzie has also started preschool again. We started up a co-op preschool here like the one we did in Hawaii. There are seven kids and it is working fantastic! This week was my week to teach and I love it! Kenzie loves to draw! He is great creating things with tape, paper and crayons. He is very inventive too! My favorite thing about Kenzie right now is his prayers, he says the most amazing prayers and they are long and sincere. He is truly such an example to me! I also love how obedient he is. He always tries to do the right thing and is so good at looking out for his siblings.
Taft is just hilarious. He is so feisty and bossy and it cracks me up most of the time! He likes to be in charge and the boss. The best thing is he always still loves his Mamma. I am thankful that we nurtured him so much because it is paying off now. He is very smart and talks a lot. He is finally starting to get back to wanting to go potty too which is nice! Last night he was talking about going on a airplane to the beach, he hasn't done this in awhile but I am constantly impressed with his memory. He really is a sponge. Taft loves to be doing everything Alissa and Kenzie are but also has such a unique outlook on things. He says and does the funniest things at church. He is very active in participating in everything and feels a need to experience everything for himself. I love his great hugs he gives to everyone and the way he runs is just down right adorable.
Well, that is kind of where we are at right now. We are having lots of fun with all the family around and staying very busy with lots of free things. I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful mother in my life too. She truly enriches our family and makes our life so much better. We would not be a complete family ever again without her. We always say we have six in our family and one on the way because she is a part of us! We are loving Arizona and living in Val Vista Lakes and hope to stay here for good! We have been very blessed in our life and even though we do not have a lot of money right now we have our family and the gospel. We learn more everyday how much that truly is all that matters. I am thankful for these opportunities to grow!
We hope you are all well and that life is treating you well!