Well, we made it here safe and sound. We have a wonderful greeting at the airport by Tim and Sonia! We were so surprised to see them there. Also, my Aunt Hope and Uncle Jim came and helped us get all our stuff to our house. It was absolutely amazing to see how much we had grown. When we got to our new house we felt like we were in a huge mansion. We went from 650 square feet to 1800 and it feels so spacious. We are very blessed to have so much room now. We already have the house mostly put together and livable, now to just finish unpacking.
Christmas was so wonderful! We had a fantastic time being around so much family too! We spent Christmas Eve with my Dad and his side of the family and the kids had a blast! Christmas morning we had the pleasure of going over to Tim and Sonia's for breakfast. They were so sweet to cook for us and we had a blast playing with them. Christmas Dinner was spent and My Uncle Jim and Aunt Hope's house, with lots of food and fun! By the end of the day we were completely exhausted. The kid came home and went to bed and we enjoyed many hours of fun with Tim and Sonia.
The next day we woke up to a sick Kenzie and a long road trip to Utah ahead of us. I have to say this trip didn't start out so hot, but we needed to get it done before Ryan gets a job. We managed to go up to Utah for a few days and get stuff out of storage. It was great to see Ryan's' sisters, their families, his parents and his Uncle and kids. I have to admit I think it would have been better if everyone had not been sick the whole time, including them. We all were sort of enduring a long weekend of sick and tiredness but I am glad we got to go. Ryan even got in a run with his dad and we were so blessed to have him there to help us load up the truck! I was relieved to get back home though and rest. We have now been battling this for about a week, but our family is finally getting better.
It feels so great to be back in Arizona, we all feel home. The kids are loving it here too! We spent five hours at Freestone Park last week and have really been enjoying the scenery here. We are still in the process of looking for a job but hopefully something will come up soon. The good thing is we are in a better situation here and things are looking up. I am now 25 weeks pregnant and feel good most of the time. This is my best pregnancy so far and I am thankful to Heavenly Father for helping me get through it.

Alissa started her first day at Val Vista Lakes Elementary School today and her teacher is Miss Walker. She was so excited to get her own individual desk and although a bit shy, I am sure she will warm up quickly to the class. I had the opportunity to go with Alissa yesterday and get a few things for school supplies just the two of us. I am amazed at how quickly she is growing up and how delightful she is. I enjoyed getting her all to myself. She is such a good helper and I am thankful to have her sweet spirit in our family.