So, we have been very busy lately and had lots going on. Mostly, I have been sick and down. I had a kidney infection and through that they found out I had e coli so Ry has been handling most things lately. He is a trooper and I am thankful he has been home and taking care of me so well! We are still loving Arizona and all the family around and all we get to do here and feel blessed for all the small and simple miracles in our lives. I have six weeks left of this pregnancy and feel the best I have in a pregnancy. I hope Emily is as good out as she is in! Here are some random pictures of lately.

Ryan made it to the top of this thing and the man in charge said he had never seen anyone do it because it is so slippery. Ry is awesome at rock climbing!

Mema was a trooper and did the bumper cars with Ryan and Alissa and it was great to see her laugh!

You can not tell very well, but Ryan and Ryan Taft have the same shwoop in the front of their hair. I had to take this before I cut both of their hair this weekend. Taft's is even more prominant.

This is Kenzie's rendition of cow jumped over the moon. He is very artistic and creative and loves to draw!

Taft was not big enough to ride but did it anyways. This is everyone together at a local place here called Amazing Jakes! The kids loved it!

Alissa and I went on a Mother Daughter Date this weekend! We went to see The Princess and the Frog at the dollar movie. Alissa rode the Carousel at the mall. We shopped and she tried on clothes for fun. Then we went to Claire's and I ended up getting my ears re pierced by accident, after that she decided clip ons would do and she would be the only "old person" without real earrings. Fine by me we had a great time and I am really glad we went and plan to do it more often!

Wow! So many cool things to comment on! I loved Kenzie's art! Amazing! The Mom-daughter-date; how fun! What a good Mommy!! Ryan climbing in a safe environment; Yea!! lol! I hope you get better soon Stac! I'm so sorry! I'm sure your uncomfortable with all that going on!
I like the idea of a mother daughter day. Sounds like fun! Kidney problems sounds scary, we pray for you often.
So fun! you guys should come up and go rock climbing with us sometime. We have all the stuff and love to go, but don't do it as often as we wish. I love that you got your ears repierced and that she decided on clipons. We convinced Maddie of clipons, but she says they hurt her ears and when she turns 8 she wants the real thing. Glad everything is going great.
how do you accidently get your ears pierced? I love Tafts hairdo
Yes actually I'm curious about the accidentally re pierced story and why it was bad enough to make Alissa want clip-ons. Very fun stuff. Hope things continue to go well.
I hope your doing well with new baby (yet??) Good Luck on delivery and all. I wish mom and baby all the R&R as possible!
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