The last several weeks have truly been crazy busy. I have been taking 6 credits of schooling in six weeks and lets just say it was a bit too much. I loved all my classes and had so much fun, but a lot of things didn't get done in the process. I feel like I missed out on so much. I missed getting the kids ready in the mornings, picking them up from school and even missed my responsibility of the fruit and veggie groups some days while in class. Through of all this I have to say I have the most amazing husband. He took on more than he ever has in our family and I feel truly blessed he was there to help love and support me and get through these last six weeks.
This experience has done a lot for our family. It has helped us to appreciate it other more and realize a lot about what needs to be done in our family for things to work the way they should. So, let me give you the findings and updates.
Ryan is currently coaching still at Kahuku High School and LOVES it. They have had two meets now and are getting progressively faster each week. This position takes a lot of extra time and effort, but I can tell it is worth it because it makes Ryan happy. With this he is also getting the opportunity to train for a marathon in the process and is almost as fast as he was in high school now. Honolulu Marathon look out! He usually runs home from work on the slow days which is about 7 extra miles to help with his own personal workouts. Ryan still tries to get in surfing whenever possible to "help" with extra training. Ryan as I said has been an amazing husband and father! He has been getting the kids ready everyday and helping them with homework. He also has helped me sort and distribute to all 23 people in the fruit and veggie group too! On Wednesdays after practise he enjoys taking Alissa to soccer and helping the coach with the team. He is actively getting to participate in church now, due to the job change and is helping everywhere he is needed. Last but not least, Ryan is starting his Master's Degree Program on the 24th of this month. His degree will be in Secondary Education with the goal of landing a permanent job at the High School. This is so exciting and we are very proud of him for all he does!
Alissa is growing up so fast. She loves to play soccer and has had two games so far. It is kind of sad that cross country and soccer are the same times every week, so Daddy can't make it. But, that doesn't stop Alissa, she has scored goals at each game. Alissa started dance too and had so much fun this past week! She loves her class and has a wonderful teacher! Her favorite part of dancing is the music and dancing on the tips of her toes. Alissa has made wonderful friends here and loves to have play dates with them. She is finally getting adjusted to first grade after the moved from the lowest to highest reading level. She was so bored in school and is finally where she should have been the whole time. This past week she was able to attend a field trip with her "Mema" to Honolulu to see a play at the Children's Theatre. She loves the theatre and was soo excited to take her grandma with her. Alissa is truly such an honest sincere sweetheart and I am so thankful for all she teaches me.
Kenzie is still Kenzie. He is so silly and happy! He is in preschool right now but still does not like it. I am actually probably going to take him out and join in a Mommy Preschool a friend of mine has started because I feel he should still be home more. The preschool he is currently in is 20 hours a week and that is just way too much time. Kenzie is an inventor, he loves to take any type of block of track and build things of incredible height and design. He is really good at it. Kenzie also loves to draw. If it ever gets to quiet I know Kenzie is somewhere coloring or building. He is such a good example to his younger brother and always trying to help Taft, even if Taft thinks he doesn't need help. Kenzie sure is growing up and what a joy he is!
Taft is also known as Chubbs here. He is the smallest tike running around our neighborhood and has all the 6-9 year old girls taking care of him. He truly has an amazing vocabulary and people can not believe what comes our of his mouth. He is even repeating songs he has only heard once or twice. With this intelligence also comes the idea that he can and will do everything by himself. Taft is still such a snuggler. He loves to cuddle and if he wants picked up he just says,"Hug, Hug." I love that he associated this time with snuggles. He loves to pray too and sing church songs. I believe his favorite things right now is just learning about life and all he can. He always wants to know more new words and sounds. Taft is so fun to have around and make us smile.
As for me, I am just trekking right along. I learn so much every year and continue to love getting older because of this. I am so blessed right now and feel the Lord guiding me in so many different ways. I feel so thankful for inspiration and a Heavenly Father that truly guides us if we listen. I am still adjusting to being Primary Chorister, especially with the Primary Program coming up in a few weeks. I am so proud to say that I finished my term of school and got good grades too! As with school though, I also will be putting a hold once again on my schooling. It is too expensive to go part time and I had a grant for full time and it is just too much on my family. Ryan and I have decided it is best for me to stay home and focus on transitioning our family to a home schooled family. I know this will be hard at times but I know that the Lord will guide and direct us through this. I am so excited to focus on being the best mom I can and establishing the routines and curriculum I need to teach me children the character development they need and the knowledge to achieve all they can in life. Ryan and I feel there is nothing more important in life than the gospel of Jesus Christ and becoming good charactered people. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a mom and a wife and hope to be able to support my family in all they need in their lives!
Well, that is the majority of our updates! Here are a few pictures from recent times. I can not find my battery charger to my camera still, so if you want pictures, please pray I find my charger! Hope you are all doing well and that you are being blessed in your lives!
These first few pictures are the 3 boys who all had their birthday the week I watched all the kids together. We made cupcakes for them and sang! Lincoln turned 3, Taft turned 2 and Wyatt turned 1.
This is our favorite park we go to in Kaaawa which isn't too far. It has the ocean on one side and the mountains on the other. It is very beautiful!

Here is the story of our lives! We love having children around and I have started a cooking group at my house once a week to teach the neighborhood kids new recipes. I love doing the Babysitting co-op too. They come once every three weeks. It is so much fun to be with so many kids. I have to admit, we finally had to set up boundaries though for the kids in the neighborhood because they were at our house all the time.
Staci, you are doing wonderfully. I totally understand what you're saying about school for yourself right now too. I made a similar choice. Being a fulltime mom is the best job in the world. btw, I love that you're the primary chorister. That was my favorite calling! Children singing: what could be sweeter?
Sooo happy that there has been soo much development.
Kenzie is such a helper/teacher! Big brothers rock!!
omg! alissa looks so grown up its incredible! I miss u guys
I noticed the new widget on the top of your blog, Congratulations!! You guys look like you are livin up the good life! (I'm so jealous!!)
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