Thursday, April 30, 2009
Is Life Really This Good?
So, we have now been in paradise for two weeks and I can truly say that I have several moments a day where I say to myself , "Is this for real?" I have never lived somewhere this wonderful before. I Love the people, the location, the ward, the school and the lifestyle. We have truly been blessed to have come to such a wonderful place. I feel so happy to know I am lucky enough to live in Laie, Hawaii and never want to have to leave. We hope you are all happy and healthy too!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Happy 28th Birthday Ryan!
Lunch at School
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Plane Ride
Well, it is time to write about the plane ride. When we left California everything went great. My mom was able to get a special pass to help me get to the gate with the kids and it was really easy. once at the gate everyone started getting a bit restless, so I was getting nervous. At the gate I went to check and make sure our seats were all together and the flight attendant put an extra seat in the middle of us, so that we ended up with five seats! This was great news! I figured due to lack of sleep that the kids would be exhausted and sleep the whole way, but after about 45 minutes I knew that was not going to happen and had tried every activity book my mom had packed for the kids. Now they were fighting sleep and the poor stewardesses were trying to help but I caved and decided to rent the portable DVD players. To my surprise they don't take cash so I have to ask a stranger if I pay them cash, if we can swipe his card to purchase the quieting devices for my children. Finally, settled for a few minutes. Next, comes dinner which to our surprise is pasta salad that none of my children will eat and there are no other options. Oh, except the food I can buy but I am out of cash and have no cards because Ryan has them all in Hawaii. So, we just deal with pretzels for dinner. We actually make it through two movies okay and then Taft cries for about an hour and everyone crashes. Well, I now take the great sigh of relief but only to hear the captain that we will be landing in about 40 minutes. Everyone but Taft stayed asleep and once he woke up everyone was cracking up because he was talking really loud about animals and kids and just about everything random you can think of. We finally landed and I was able to call Ryan and tell him about the gate pass, so he was at the gate waiting but could not come on the plane. The flight attendants were nice enough to try and help figure out how to get two extremely passed out children off the plane while holding three huge carry ons and a baby. So, I took Taft off first to Ryan and then came back for Alissa and the flight attendant had Kenzie in his arms and the other attendant had all of my bags. We managed to get off just in time for them to clean them plane. I was so relieved to be off of the plane and see Ryan there waiting for us!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Well everyone,
It is official. Ryan leaves in about 3 hours and is finishing up packing as I type. We have had the most busy few days I think I can ever remember. We had a very fun weekend too! My second mom, Donna came into town this weekend on Friday to visit and it was so good to see her. My mom, Donna and I went to the temple and dinner just the three of us and it was wonderful. We also got to see Blake and his friends for awhile which was fun! Here are a few highlights of this week. We sold the tramp and the swing set in the same day. Also, on that day we had great friends come play and Ryans dad come and help redo the tile in our bathroom and save us a ton of money. We are so thankful for all of these blessings. Then we had a soccer game amidst selling all of our furniture and things except for about five pieces, three of which were my grandparents antiques. We had the piano movers too! In fact, so many things have happened I have already began to forget. The other fantastic news is that Ryan's sister Shayna had a sweet little bundle of joy named Trystan ,which I have not seen yet but can not wait to see when I am invited to see him. Ryan got to go see him today since he is leaving today and said he is precious. Yesterday we garage saled all day and made lots and lots of money which is great! The best part of the garage sale though was all the free stuff we got to give away and all the great deals we gave to people who were truly appreciative. It was such a wonderful feeling! Next, we anticipated the sale of our truck because we are obviously down to the very last minute and can I truly say miracles happen. We SOLD our truck and to some of the best people we could want to have it! So, today I am sitting here at my moms house because our house is pretty much empty (after just watching Donna and the boys drive off to Northern Utah with the truck and their car) and all I feel is extremely blessed to feel the love of the Lord pouring down on our little family. We have been blessed by so many amazing miracles and I am just in awe at all that has happened for us. I did not have the opportunity to watch General Conference this weekend and I can not wait to do so. But I have to say that my testimony has grown so much this past few months from all of the wonderful lessons the Lord has given us the opportunity to learn. Especially in the last few days. I will be without my computer for about two weeks while Ryan is in Hawaii with it but I will try to keep everyone updated on how things are going. Thanks for all the love and prayers!
It is official. Ryan leaves in about 3 hours and is finishing up packing as I type. We have had the most busy few days I think I can ever remember. We had a very fun weekend too! My second mom, Donna came into town this weekend on Friday to visit and it was so good to see her. My mom, Donna and I went to the temple and dinner just the three of us and it was wonderful. We also got to see Blake and his friends for awhile which was fun! Here are a few highlights of this week. We sold the tramp and the swing set in the same day. Also, on that day we had great friends come play and Ryans dad come and help redo the tile in our bathroom and save us a ton of money. We are so thankful for all of these blessings. Then we had a soccer game amidst selling all of our furniture and things except for about five pieces, three of which were my grandparents antiques. We had the piano movers too! In fact, so many things have happened I have already began to forget. The other fantastic news is that Ryan's sister Shayna had a sweet little bundle of joy named Trystan ,which I have not seen yet but can not wait to see when I am invited to see him. Ryan got to go see him today since he is leaving today and said he is precious. Yesterday we garage saled all day and made lots and lots of money which is great! The best part of the garage sale though was all the free stuff we got to give away and all the great deals we gave to people who were truly appreciative. It was such a wonderful feeling! Next, we anticipated the sale of our truck because we are obviously down to the very last minute and can I truly say miracles happen. We SOLD our truck and to some of the best people we could want to have it! So, today I am sitting here at my moms house because our house is pretty much empty (after just watching Donna and the boys drive off to Northern Utah with the truck and their car) and all I feel is extremely blessed to feel the love of the Lord pouring down on our little family. We have been blessed by so many amazing miracles and I am just in awe at all that has happened for us. I did not have the opportunity to watch General Conference this weekend and I can not wait to do so. But I have to say that my testimony has grown so much this past few months from all of the wonderful lessons the Lord has given us the opportunity to learn. Especially in the last few days. I will be without my computer for about two weeks while Ryan is in Hawaii with it but I will try to keep everyone updated on how things are going. Thanks for all the love and prayers!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Although I am missing about nine blogs from the past few weeks that I promise I will get up before we move, I have to post about our night last night. We had the opportunity to go on a date with Ryan's parents. We went out to the Mongolian Grill in town and I had a blast loaded a bowl higher than I had ever seen one. It was exciting! After that we went to the St. George temple for the rest of the evening. I have to tell you that I have never had such a truly learning experience. Thanks to Ryan parents my knowledge of things unknown is so much clearer and I truly gained a better understanding. I will always remember this day and be thankful to have married into such a wonderful family who knows so much about the Lord and his gospel. How lucky I truly am!
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