I need two hours at least. Hopefully Sunday.
Life is good. We are all happy!
Ryan got a new job as the Head Cross Country Coach and Distance coach for Kahuku High School. He will now be substitute teaching full time and unfortunately will have to quit Turtle Bay to make this all work. He is truly living a dream though. He is also starting a 5 race running series this weekend to get him ready for the Honolulu Marathon in December.
Staci is loving school and very busy with life. I am working out about 1-1.5 hours 5 days a week and feel amazing. The problem is it makes me hungry sometimes. Anyways, I love being a mom and being involved in the kids schools and activities. I am the Soccer Mom for Alissa's team! I am realizing I really need to study more and did not do so hot on my first biology test. This was also a first, a bad test grade. Oh well, my family is a lot more important to me anyways. I have been fighting a cold recently and can not wait for it to go away so I can stop being so tired. I feel so lucky to be in Hawaii and so blessed to have a wonderful husband and children.
Alissa is a social butterfly. She loves to read books and is a math whiz! She also is enjoying play dates with friends and growing up. Sometimes I really wonder how a five year old can be so spirited! I love her for it though! She is so spunky and exciting! Alissa just started soccer practise and will be taking dance classes in September. I miss having a piano to try to teach her on, because she really misses piano. Alissa also loves to sing, she will walk around the house singing songs. She is kind of going through a Barbie phase also. The best part is that Alissa is already dreaming of her birthday party. She is definitely always up for a party!
Kenzie started preschool and is doing great. I have to admit he is a little off the wall most of the time but is learning to sit still. He has so much energy and is a very happy kid. I was surprised to hear his teacher tell me yesterday that he is very strong willed. I turned to her and said, "Then you would probably be surprised to know that he is my most mellow child." She was shocked and decided I must have my hands full. I definitely have my hands full but they are full of wonderful children who truly know who they are and don't question it. They keep life full and busy with great joy. Anyways, Kenzie is still very inventive and creative. He loves to just sit and build things whenever he can. He loves to be a knight and fight or to learn crazy facts about weird reptiles and animals. Kenzie is also very helpful. He loves to help Taft with getting ready and help0 others.
Taft is now 2 and it is about time. This kid has such a great vocabulary that I have been asked if he was 2 now for several months. He is now potty trained and does such a good job of telling us when he has to go potty. He is very independent and loves to get dressed himself also. He really is growing up and so fun to be with. His favorite phrase right now is, "See, I told you so." He loves being the baby and giving everyone lots of hugs and kisses.
Well, I figured I would give an update on the newest member of our immediately family since I was updating anyways.
Mema is just finishing out things in Utah and will be here a week from today. We are so excited to have her in our family and can not wait for her to be here and see all the fun she has been missing. I have to say the thing the kids miss most is her imagination. They always ask to play all of the fun games she makes up with them and then reply that it is not the same without her. We truly miss having her around and can not wait to see her soon!
Stacy don't worry about the test, as long as you pass it really doesn't matter because you are first a mother. It is really hard though to do that with kids. I did that with T and Maddie and struggled through all my classes, but non the less i did it and you will to and you will be happy about it. So happy for Ryan and all your kids and your mom finally coming. Maddie still talks about you guys and one of her BEST friends in Hawaii!! One day we will come and visit!!!
Oh my goodness! That's so much news crammed into one blog! LIfe is a roller coaster ride!
Congrats on the job for Ryan. That must have been the facebook news. I think that it is awesome that your in school and doing well. Tests shmests! Your a smarty, you'll do great!
It sounds like your family is doing great! I am so excited for you... that your mother will be there soon! I am sure you have missed her! Tell Ryan congrats on the new job!
Congratulations on the new job, Ryan. Hope it works out well for you and the family. Miss you guys and the great Hawaii weather!
I really wish I could look at blogs more. Loved the update caught me up on all I've missed. You are such a GREAT mom
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