I am the one in the family who cuts everyone's hair. When I was in high school I attended beauty school for this purpose. I knew someday I would want a family of my own and want to be able to cut their hair to save money. To this day I am thankful for that decision because I figure we save hundreds of dollars a year this way!
Sometimes I will be open to what the kids want done with their hair. Kenzie or Taft will say, Shave it off or I want it long. Alissa decided this time she wanted it shorter then we had ever done. I was nervous, but decided it will grow back and off it went. I probably could have donated it. I will look into that next time.
Alissa was shocked at first and kept touching her neck and shoulders. Now she loves it!
We have this sort of excitement that lulls around the week of birthdays and at Christmas here. Those are the only two times of the year(besides when Mema goes on trips and sends postcards) that the kids get a REAL package in the mail. (This year Kayli got some from Aunty Donna and Aunty Cindy and the kids thought it was the coolest.)
Their package usually comes in this beautiful smooth blue paper(which is Alissa's favorite color) and contains this gorgeous ribbon. When it comes everyone is ecstatic for whoever is receiving the gift and they can't wait to open it. (Yes, they because everyone has to touch the pretty paper)
Alissa's package from Grandma and Grandpa Garner or as the kids call them Grammy and Papa came while Alissa was at school so I hid it until she got home. When she got home she proceeded to beg to open it but I made her wait until Daddy got home. So, for 45 minutes she went from staring at the box to running outside to see what took Daddy so long. When he finally arrived she tore it open and was ecstatic to find a Spa Science Kit.
Immediately asking if she could play she ran to get her best friend Sela and they had at it!(with Daddy's help of course) Next thing I know she is in the bathtub in her swimsuit experimenting while her best friend is taking notes from the rug! What a truly fun present! It is amazing how excited special moments make them feel!
I Thankful to have to have so many thoughtful family members who make so many wonderful memories for our children!