As many of you know we were planning to move to Gilbert, Arizona this month. We were planning on Ryan attending
ASU with his hopes in that getting him a job at
BYU Hawaii eventually and moving our family to Hawaii. I guess I kind of thought once we got to Arizona and got settled we would stay and hopefully be able to travel to Hawaii in the summers. After awhile though, I have realized that this would not be enough for Ryan and that he was truly drawn to Hawaii. While on our trip there in September we both felt very strongly that we would live there someday and Ryan even went as far to say that we would be there within a year. Well, after many months of prayer and continuously relying upon the Lord, our plans have changed once again. We are moving to
Laie, Hawaii in about a month from now. We currently do not have a job set up yet
completely but have been networking and have lots of promises. Now some would say we are totally crazy for this, but only we know in our hearts all that has happened and all that has led us to this point. For this I am grateful. I am especially thankful to have married a man who truly gives his life to the Lord and is dedicated to do what he wants for us to do, regardless of what it takes. We are at such a good place right now as a family, and although we will be leaving most of our
worldly possessions behind we are learning great lessons from this. We do not know far enough in the future to plan farther than what we have right now but I feel that Ryan will work very hard to keep us in
Laie permanently. This truly will be an adventure and I am excited for what is to come. We are very blessed to have Ryan's sister Aubrey, two sets of cousins and good friends locally there. As for "
Mema"(because most people ask) she will be moving there too eventually, not right away. We are so thankful to get to have her as part of our family and extremely excited that she will come join us on our adventure. We wish the best for all of you and hope to see you in Hawaii if you ever visit!
Wow. That sucks. I really wanted to hang out with you guys. Be careful in Hawaii...when Jase lived there as a kid that's where he learned (and tried) lots of scary things...it's soo prevelant there.
When you said you're leaving a lot of your worldy possesions...Jase's mom did that too. She only took ONE DUFFLE BAG! She's been there for 5 years and LOVES IT! (of coarse she's hippie liberal that doesn't like to work) So is this permanent or will you be back to Az someday? We may never ever see you again now. (Hawaii is about #65 on my list of places I want to go to). You'll have to let us know when you visit Az and hopefully we'll be able to come to the valley and see you guys! Oh, and if you're getting rid of your worldy posesssions, can we buy your awesome white coffee table from you? haha! I've been looking all over for one like it. I found one simular, but not big like yours at a furniture barn in Flagstaff last week. LOVE IT! YAY, I'm happy for you guys...and sad for me, but happy that you guys have a plan in place, and very happy that you'll be home schooling your sweet kids. Speaking of, mine in my gut is making me need to run to the bathroom. CONGRATS and GOOD LUCK!
All the best Garner family, as you enter the 'next phase' in your life. Arizona and Hawaii are world's apart. I am sure you will enjoy it.
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