Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Night in Waikiki

A few weeks ago Ryan's old missionary companion, Chad was in town on business and we had the pleasure of taking him on our weekly date with us. This particular week we went to Waikiki at night. I happen to love Waikiki at night. It is not at all like Vegas with all the filth and focus of sex. It is so fun to walk up and down the street and see all the different people trying to make money by showing their talents. There are several musical acts, magicians, artists and many more. Here are few of the favorites from the night! (Besides hanging out with Chad which was the best part!)
These pictures were created by spray paint, forks, ripped paper and cups.
That is about is and this man belows talent.
The man below, juggled while doing the whole rubix cube in under five minutes!
This mans entire outfit was made of paper!
And this man was singing in Japanese!
What a fun night!

1 comment:

C said...

Thanks for the great time in Waikiki. I really enjoyed the night on the Strip. It was very special to meet you and the family and catch up with Ryan. I wish you all the very best, as you continue to build your lives in Hawaii. I hope we can catch up again soon.