Saturday, August 2, 2008

Another Promotion!

We are so excited to announce Ryan's promotion at work. Ryan has been promoted to Day Assistant Program Director and starts Monday. There are many perks to this change. He will be working 8am-5pm five days a week instead of nights. Ryan will also only be required to work one Sunday every four weeks instead of two. We are so excited to finally get in a more consistent routine!


kristal said...

Ahhh,t hat's nice that he has a regular schedule now. It's soo much easier to do things as a family with a regular schedule. Congrats!!!

Katrina and Bill said...

Yea for Ryan! He sure is prospering in his career right now. It's wonderful! Thanks for keeping us updated. I posted ALL the pics of you and your kids in Calabasas on our family blog, so you are welcome to them. It was so fun to see you. Glad everything is going so positively for you!

Harshes said...

Yay for a normal schedule! He deserves it! Congratulations guys!