After the parade we had the opportunity of meeting up with
Ryan's dad to go to the Washington County Fair. He decided to be brave and venture out with just me and the kids. No, he is amazing and was such a wonderful help and great company. Ryan met us there after work and we had a great experience for our first time at the fair.

Not the best picture, but the kids enjoyed petting the animals at the petting zoo, especially cause Papa was there.

Alissa was a natural roper if I do say so myself. She did such a great job both times she roped this cow.
Kenzie also did fantastic roping the cow. He liked to be closer to the cow and get him nice and tight. The kids loved this!

There was a fun activity tent by the petting zoo where the kids could dig for bones, make silly faces out of paper, get the picture taken in dress ups and make their own rocket. These are there rockets and they were so excited to hurry and finish making them so they could launch them.

This is "The Launch Man" He helped prepare each rocket by inspection and then launched them off the tall thing. They both shot up very high and out of the gated area we were in. Way to go guys for making some great rockets!

Next we went into the commercial booths area and found this. It is a souped up golf cart and the kids love to play in it. We had fun just walking around and seeing all there was to offer until Daddy got there.

After the family had some yummy food from a booth done by some of the members of the Samoan Branch in our ward. We headed over to let the kids each ride two carnival rides. On our way back we stopped at the corals to look at the horses and I saw a little girl about Alissa's age on our horse. I asked if they were giving rides and how much they cost. The man actually explained that they were there to compete but that he would be happy to give the kids a ride if they would like. Wow, what I kind person! The kids were so excited to ride a BIG horse and I love the way this picture turned out. Isn't Hurricane beautiful?
Taft loves to look up at the sky! He also loved being on Papa's shoulders

I am so glad that the kids have opportunities to spend time with their grandparents. This is one of the the great reasons for living in Southern Utah!
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