Friday, August 1, 2008

Our New Family Blog!

Off with the old, on with the new. I have now been blogging for a year and it is time for a change! I wanted to choose a name for our new blog that told a little more about who we are. We are definitely a spirited bunch and people say this phrase to us often, "My, what a spirited bunch you have." I actually have come to love this phrase! We are very spirited for two main reasons, one we love living the ways of the gospel of Jesus Christ and two, we are pretty spunky people. I am so excited for this next year and all that it is bringing. I know it is not the new year, but with school starting soon it feels like a new year is beginning.

Hopeful Highlights:

Taft turns one
Alissa starts Kindergarten
Kenzie starts Preschool
Kenzie fully potty trained
Alissa turns 5
Ryan's book will be published
Ryan's website will be completed
St. George Marathon in under 3 hours
Trip to Disneyland with relatives?
Ryan and Staci take their first trip without a child in over 5 years
Thanksgiving in Northern Utah
Ryan turns 28
Kenzie turns 4
Staci turns 26
A year without pregnancy or nursing (lol)
All in good health!
Everyone sleeping through the night!

Well, these are a few of my hopefuls! I am very excited for all the new changes and can't wait to share them with all of you!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

ok so I dont know how to send you real mail on hre so you can delete this after you read it. I love your hopefuls. I need to join the weight loss and u need to call me more. i cant wait for the kids to be off to school so exciting.