For my birthday Ryan
surprised me and we went Kayaking. It was so fun to have a
surprise again this year. We left the kids with our friend Sara and her kids and left for three hours to Turtle Bay. Ryan has major hook ups at work and so he arranged this all through his work. The guide "Captain", (he was a captain in the military) loaded us all in his
Shaka Kayak van and we headed onto private property to
Cavella Bay. There we were met with another guide. There were 6 of us total. When they asked who was going to be in the two person kayak I was sure it was going to be us, only to find out it was someone else. I was shocked because as many of you know I have severe anxiety about the ocean. So, I knew this was going to be hard. As they put the kayaks I was still freaking out, but once I
hopped in I was having an absolute blast. The kayaks were see through so we could watch all the fish and turtles swimming below us, we even got to see lots of
anemone's. It was a blast. We got snacks and went on a nature hike too. The best part for me was seeing the turtle cleaning station area of the ocean because I LOVE turtles. It was so fun also to just spend some time alone with Ryan. What a special present!!!
Great updates Staci! Happy late birthday! It looks like you had a lot of fun. And congrats on school! That's awesome!
I totally remembered your birthday but forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday!! I bet it was AMAZING, specially since you are in Hawaii!! We miss you guys and think about you lots!
Wow!! I mean - WOW!!!
Happy Birthday ! You are so lucky! I love kayaking in the ocena we do it in la jolla calif every summer
wow, I can't even imagine, that is amazing...one day!!!
Okay... Happy Birthday TO YOU!!! What a great idea! Happy Birthday and Congrats on getting into BYUH!!!! You are going to love it!! I can't wait until they have more programs so I can go back.:)
Happy late birthday! and congrats on being accepted to byuh that is amazingly awesome! Thanks for the updates, you guys seem to have found your fit.
Happy Late Birthday Staci! I am glad that you had such a great day! Oh, and congrats on getting into BYUH! That is awesome and I know you will do great!
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